During this term, the Fabulous Fours studied the book ‘Coming to England,’ written by Baroness Floella Benjamin. Floella was just a young girl when she and her siblings arrived in England in 1960 to join their parents. They had left the island paradise of Trinidad to make a new home in London, joining a generation of West Indians who were encouraged to move to Britain to help rebuild the country after the Second World War. But England was not at all what they had expected…

Year 4 A Very Special Letter
Our English lessons used this story as the focus for comprehension work, discursive and written tasks, including narrative, writing in character and writing a diary extract. As a Grand Finale, the children were excited to write their own letters to Baroness Benjamin. Imagine that: writing to the person who wrote the book you’ve just studied – and them writing back to you! No wonder there was much excitement in the Year 4 classroom this morning!
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