Safeguarding - Forres Sandle Manor


At Forres Sandle Manor the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority.

All staff complete Safeguard Training when they join the School (including all non-teaching staff). All staff are DBS checked before they begin employment. All staff are trained to spot the signs of any issues, and know the reporting procedures.

All visitors are asked to read our safeguarding overview before signing into the premises. They then must wear a red lanyard at all times to be recognisable.

Our Safeguarding Team

Mr Robert Tasker, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Tracy Spottiswood, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead with specific responsibility for Lower School and EYFS
Mrs Beverley Kendall, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead with specific responsibility for FSM Nursery
Mrs Dixon-Clarke, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding documents to download

Click here for our Policies page.