(Images to follow)
As part of our topic ‘Road Trip USA’ Year 4 visited the American Museum on Thursday 19th September, to explore the reasons for early colonisation and the effect it had on the Native Americans. After a discussion led by one of the staff we explored the museum and enjoyed discovering different and amazing artefacts, dressing up as passengers from The Mayflower and trying to work out a Native American game. Homemade chocolate chip cookies provided by the museum kept us fuelled until we basked in the sunshine with our picnic and had a quick run around on the terraces.
After lunch we were allowed to wear protective gloves and handle real artefacts to try to work out what they were used for. It was fun and really interesting but some were quite tricky. The snow shoes were at first thought to be a games racquet, a nut cracker or an animal trap! Before setting off back home we had a quick look at their glorious quilt collection and talked about the culture of quilt making. It was a very enjoyable and informative visit and has given us much to discuss back in class next week.
Written by: Mrs Upton