On Tuesday we were delighted to welcome violinist James Toll as the adjudicator for our annual FSM Music Competition. James has a most impressive CV and his adjudications were both encouraging and humorous which was appreciated by the audience and particularly by the children. We enjoyed over 50 performances during the course of the day, from children in Years 3 – 8. Some children were making their debut performance, even after just a few lessons, whilst many performed in more than one category. It was a real celebration of music-making at FSM and I was extremely proud of the children for the hard work that had gone into preparing for this event and for the superb performances we heard. It was such a pleasure to sit and listen to them throughout the day.
Particular congratulations must go to our trophy winners:
Strings – Barnaby L (double bass)
Piano – Eleanor W and Theo M
Voice – Elena G I and Theo M
Woodwind – Eleanor W and Harriet V
Brass – Daniel L
Images and videos to follow shortly
Written by: Mrs Rowntree