At the end of last week we held our annual House Photography Competition and I reminded all our children that photography is one of the most mindful activities we can adopt. It was joyous to see how the children see their world and we discussed the importance of being in the moment, enjoying your place and time and how photography allows you to capture that moment which may never be the same again.
In this unusual year, spring will still be spring and there is much to celebrate and a beautiful world to observe, enjoy and perhaps record in the children’s unique and cheerful way.
Many congratulations to all the children who entered. As I said to them, the problem with a competition is that it is completely subjective and different judges might have completely different points of views. Photography is only important to the photographer who is the most important judge of all.
And the winners are…
In the junior category:
1st: Barnaby – portrait
2nd: Ben – fire men
3rd: Max – abstract light
In the senior category:
1st: Esme – water flowing
2nd: Alfie – steam on river
Joint 3rd: Max – lizard. Noah – rat
Highly Commended: Thomas – mother bird
Written by: Mrs Cochand