Wednesday 16th September was the introduction of our Year 8 mentors to their younger ‘mentees’ It was a glorious FSM morning and the younger children were excited to meet the year 8s. The mentors were excited too as many of them told me how special their own mentors had been for them in their younger years.
Our peer mentoring programme, known at FSM as Fiendishly Sensitive Mentoring, brings many benefits. The children in years 4-6 (and will include Year 3 when we can relax our school bubbles) all have a Year 8 student who becomes their special ‘someone’ throughout the year. This gives the younger children a role model and someone they can turn to if they need help with friendships or academics. Often the mentors provide a bridge between the staff and the younger children which proves invaluable in giving the children additional support and care. It creates a culture of care within the school environment and leads to positive wellbeing for all the children.
Written by: Mrs Cochand