On Thursday 4th March we were very excited to host Sabrina Ward Harrison for an interactive workshop at Forres Sandle Manor. 
Sabrina Ward Harrison is a prolific artist and author who, live from Madison Wisconsin, talked about her fascinating life and guided the children to create their own individual pieces of creative self expression.
Mrs Cochand had this to say following the workshop:
” ‘That was inspiring!’ remarked one Year 8 boy after Sabrina’s workshop and I know his feelings were echoed around the school. We were so lucky to have Sabrina agree to speak to our children in Years 4-8 about her love of art, her need to be true to herself and to create messy, thrilling art as a way of self expression. She spoke to the children about her feelings of love and kindness and worry and anxiety and explained that this range of emotions is perfectly natural. Her message of , ‘be kind to yourself’, rang loud and clear. She explained to the children the fun to be had just creating art and having ‘no rules’…just go with what inspires you…colours, textures, whatever you feel like… and they did! The children set off to make a pinwheel of colour and within minutes were stuck into their creations. ‘Can I be completely groovy?’ asked one year 4….’Of course, be you!’.  I was delighted to learn that one parent of one of our students has actually done her online course, https://www.truelivingexperience.info/liberate-sign-up-2021″
We hope to display the children’s works when we are back in school.