Today we held our Annual inter-house Argonaut Quest Challenge

It was an exhilarating day of competition and camaraderie as pupils from all houses participated in the in our first house competition of the academic year, our FSM Argonaut Quest – an event filled with indoor challenges (due to the weather) designed to test their skills, physical strengths, problem-solving abilities, and mental agility. The atmosphere was electric as pupils eagerly embraced the various specialist activities, each contributing to their house’s quest for victory.

The Argonaut Quest Sept 24

There were Skill Challenges, Physical Feats, Mystery Puzzles and Mental Ability challenges.

Congratulations to everyone who took part. As the afternoon isn’t over yet, we don’t know the winners. In the meantime, here are some photographs to enjoy of the various elements of the Arganought Quest.

The Argonaut Quest Running

Argonaut Quest Challenge Photographs

A huge well done to Hasley House who were the overall winners!

Argonaut Quest Hasley House Winners


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